Student Accessibility Services
Welcome! The Office of Accessibility Services office assists students with a qualified disability in meeting their academic and personal goals. Within the bounds of our resources, Gwynedd Mercy University will provide reasonable accommodations to meet the challenges and needs of students with a qualified disability.
If you are a student with a qualified disability, choose from the links below to learn more about available services and the application and documentation process. All students seeking services must first complete the application process.
Below, you will find more information for the following topics:
- Applying for Student Accessibility Services
- Application Procedures
- Documentation Requirements
- Housing Accommodation Requests
- Emotional Support Animal (ESA)
- Contact Us
- Additional Resources
Additional information is available in the Student Accessibility Services Manual (PDF).
Contact Us
The Office of Accessibility Services is located in the 2nd floor of Keiss Library, Room 201.
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Zack Hulings, Director of Accessibility Services
215-646-7300, ext. 21014
Michelle Ludlow, Assistant Director of Accessibility Services
215-646-7300, ext. 21463
Gwynedd Mercy University does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, national origin, religion, sex or disability in the administration of its educational, admission, scholarship or loan policies.
Student Accessibility Resources
Here are helpful links, guided directions, and documentation on disabilities, learning differences, accessibility, and assistive technology.
Glean is a notetaking and study tool that can help you become more independent with note taking and more efficient with studying. Learn more from the Glean Handout or reach out to our office.
Read&Write is an assistive technology toolbar with multiple capabilities such as screen reading and speech dictation. Learn more from the Read&Write Handout or reach out to our office.
Reader Pens
- Reader Pens are available to check out from the Library. They are physical, pen-like devices that can scan text in a book or piece of paper and read the text aloud. Learn more or reach out to the Library or our office.
- Most devices, apps, and programs have built-in assistive technology features today. They usually can be found in a section called “Accessibility” within the settings. There are also countless free assistive technology apps and programs. Check out our extensive list of Free and Built-In Assistive Technology for more information.
The Office of Accessibility Services has been highlighting different disabilities during 2023 through monthly awareness handouts.