Contact Admissions 


Whether you're interested in applying as an undergraduate student on our Gwynedd Valley campus or as an accelerated/online or graduate student, our Admissions staff can walk you through the process. Give us a call and get started today!


Undergraduate Admissions Staff 

For a traditional, on-campus undergraduate college experience:
Contact: 800-342-5462 or 215-641-5510 or
Meet the Undergraduate Admissions Staff

Interested in our Accelerated Bachelor's of Nursing or Weekend Bachelor's of Nursing programs? 
Contact: 833-588-5953 or
Meet the Online/Accelerated Admissions Staff

Graduate Admissions Staff

Interested in our Graduate Counseling, Education, or Nursing programs?
Contact: 833-588-5953 or
Meet the Online/Accelerated Admissions Staff

Interested in our Master of Public Health, Master of Business Administration, Graduate Business Certificates, or Speech-Language Pathology program?
Contact: 215-641-5541 or    

Interested in or have applied to our Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program?
Contact: Kathy Hosack, Dept. of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, at 215-542-4699 or

Undergraduate Admissions Counselors


Aimee Huffstetler, MA
Vice President for Enrollment Management

Call: 215-641-5523
Text: 215-309-8585

Aimee recruits international students.

Hello! I’m Aimee Huffstetler and I’m the VP for Enrollment Management here at Gwynedd Mercy University. Years ago, I chose GMercyU for many of the same reasons our students do – the Mercy values, feeling of community, and the opportunity to pursue my passion. I look forward to working with you!

Wivina Chmura

Wivina Chmura, MSEd
Associate Director of Admissions

Call: 215-641-5541
Text: 215-201-4070   

Wivina recruits re-admitted students and transfer students interested in these programs:

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (for last names L-Z)
  • Education
  • History
  • History / Secondary Education
  • Public Health

Favorite Admissions Tip:  First and foremost, enjoy the process because college admissions is a process. Be organized. Make a chart for yourself with all of the schools that interest you and note the application, financial aid, and scholarship deadlines. Meet the deadlines!! Lastly, VISIT the campus in person. FEEL if you belong and if the college is a good fit for you. 


Daniel Koski, MEd
Associate Director of Admissions

Call: 215-542-4609
Text: 215-309-9606 

Dan recruits first-year students.

 Favorite Admissions Tip: Don’t stop asking questions, and no idea is ever wrong. College has a “right of passage” sense, but sometimes students can feel alone in that passage. I never want a student to ever feel isolated/alone in their process, I am here to help them through this transformational experience. I am always ready to talk, hear them out, and help them through their journey.

Bryan Plonski

Bryan Plonski
Admissions Counselor

Call: 215-646-7300 ext. 21528
Text: 215-383-2397 

Bryan recruits first-year students.

Favorite Admissions Tip:  Don't forget about scholarships! There's probably one out there for you. No matter how small, every little bit helps. You have to remember books are probably going to be required and an important cost of your college life — spending an hour of your life writing an essay to earn a $500 scholarship is a simple and easy way to potentially pay for them! 

Emma Spangler '23

Emma Spangler '23
Transfer Admissions Counselor

Call: 215-641-5529 
Text: 267-361-0577 

A GMercyU alum and former transfer student, Emma enjoys guiding transfer students through the exciting journey she once experienced. She recruits transfer students in the following programs:

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (for last names A-K)
  • All other undergraduate majors (except Education, History, and Public Health)

Favorite Admissions Tip:  Find out about what clubs and organizations are on campus! Getting involved and finding what you’re passionate about will quickly help you make friends and establish long lasting relationships. Also, you can’t ask too many questions! Ask away, we’re here to help! Take a moment to be proud of yourself for making the decision to go to college. Exciting things are happening for you!

Branden Soubik

Branden Soubik '24 
Multicultural Admissions Counselor

Call: 215-644-7300 ext. 21514
Text:  267-508-7496 

Branden recruits first-year students. As a GMercyU alum and former student-athlete (he was our 2024 Outstanding Male Student-Athlete of the Year!), Branden loves representing his alma mater to future Griffins.

Favorite Admissions Tip:  At GMercyU, you'll always find a friendly face and the support you need, when you need it — starting with the Admissions Department! See for yourself by planning your visit today. We can't wait to meet you!

Meet a GMercyU admissions counselor at a high school visit, college fair, or information session. See if we're coming to your area!


Undergraduate Admissions Staff

Patti Arbizo

Patti Arbizo
Administrative Assistant

Call: 215-641-5530 

Favorite Admissions Tip: The Admissions Team is here to make your college search personalized and successful! Please don’t hesitate to call us!


headshot_admissions_marybethlambert.jpgMarybeth Lambert
Administrative Assistant

Call: 215-646-7300 ext. 480

 Favorite Admissions Tip: Don't hesitate to connect your admissions counselor. We are here to answer any questions you may have. No question is insignificant.

Donna McBurney

Donna McBurney
Office Coordinator

Call: 215-641-5510  

Favorite Admissions Tip: Visit the campus! It gives you the opportunity to talk to current students, meet with faculty, and see the campus to get a sense if the school feels right for you.


Online/Accelerated Admissions Staff

Director of Enrollment Savanna WillsSavanna Wills
Director of Enrollment

Call: 267-465-3063, ext. 4594 

Savanna recruits for the following programs:

•  Master of Science in Counseling
•  Master of Science in Education
•  Doctorate in Education

Favorite Admissions Tip: You are never alone in your pursuit of higher education. Do your own research, and all questions are good questions! Reach out to us for the support you need.

Director of Enrollment Dillon MenhardtDillon Menhardt
Director of Enrollment

Call: 267-465-3063, ext. 4077 

Dillon recruits for the following programs:

•  Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN)
•  Weekend Bachelor of Science in Nursing (WBSN)
•  Direct Entry Master of Science in Nursing (DEMSN)

Favorite Admissions Tip: Ensure your admissions documents are well-organized and bring a unique voice to your application through your personal statement. Remember, you are your most effective advocate.